Life is a sum of choices. To have a better life, you need to make a better choice.

From Striving to Thriving.

Hey, I'm Lisa - the coach who helps you out of emotional and mental exhaustion, and into taking control of your life with ease and belief in yourself.

As a Master NLP, Hypnotherapy, and TimeLine Therapist, I'll teach you the secret sauce to manage life's chaos, get switch off people-pleasing mode, and stop caring so damn much about what other people think of you.

Women are famous for taking on everyone else’s problems and finding new ways to stress and feel bad about themselves.

We want to live our full potential but don’t want to seem selfish, strive to step outside our comfort zone but don’t want to be judged, and step into people-pleasing mode way too easily without knowing the damage it has on our self-esteem.

Sound familiar?

Emotional triggers are everywhere - but when they keep you stuck in negative thoughts and beliefs, they steal your peace of mind and happiness.

 They influence the way you see yourself, what you think you’re capable of, and affect the decisions you make on a daily basis.

Throw in self-criticism and comparisonitis, and it’s no wonder you’re doom scrolling through socials and feeling like your life is crap!

Saying yes to self-discovery is your ticket to accessing your inner power, making positive life changes, and creating future happiness and freedom.

No more saying, “I can’t” - It’s time to start saying, “I can”.

I’ll help you…

  • Raise your confidence

  • Trust your own judgement

  • Create positive change

  • Swap people-pleasing for assertiveness

  • Manage anxiety and emotional trauma

  • Set healthy boundaries

  • Transform self-criticism into compassion

  • Take charge of your life

  • Dig deep to discover what you want and how to get it

What my clients say

  • “I've learnt so much and let go of baggage that has been weighing me down. I feel empowered, important and recognised and I refuse to accept anything less than I deserve in the future.”


  • “I remember saying in my first session... ‘I'm not happy with where things are in my life’, and listed off everything that was not working. By my last session I realised that I had either achieved, or had started taking steps towards the things that had been holding me back for so long!”


  • “I experienced a breakthrough around men and relationships - it was life changing! I've rebuilt my trust in men again, and also learnt how to trust myself. I now have the ability to speak my truth, be heard, and know my worth and what I deserve.”


  • “Lisa taught me so many mindset techniques to deal with my anxiety. She showed me how to trust my gut and take charge of my own happiness.”


My story

I’ve gone through a lot of ups, downs, trauma and triumphs and the biggest lesson I’ve learnt is this… No one’s coming to save you.

Ouch, right? At least that’s what I thought until I started doing the work.

So I got out of my own way, put my big girl pants on and took my life into my own hands. By facing my fears and the not-so-nice parts of myself I’d hidden away, I got rid of everything that was dragging me down.

Kicking toxic positivity to the curb, I found the right tools to help keep me accountable, set healthy boundaries, and celebrate myself on the daily (because I damn well deserve it!).

And guess what? You do too, babe!

This is why I’m super passionate about holding your hand and guiding you through these life-changing promises to yourself…

  1. No matter how hard life knocks me, I will get back up stronger.

  2. My negative self-talk may not be my fault, but it’s my responsibility.

  3. I don’t have to settle because I can have it all.

  4. I believe I can do anything - just watch me.

Download my 6 Step Roadmap to achieving more Confidence, Competence and Clarity in your life.